Thursday, March 5, 2015

These are probably the last words I will write. I don’t believe I have much time. I have trapped myself in the cellar of my basement with water and canned food. I could be killed at any moment. Why have I  imprisoned my cray-cray self  you ask? Because they are coming for me!  Technology is coming back!!!  And it is hell bent on destroying me!!! 

Technological Singularity has finally happened. Technological singularity was the hypothesis that technology would develop such a high level of artificial intelligence that it would replace humans as the dominant race. Technological improvements weren’t the bright future of our world, it was our doom!  
I bet all the pessimists regret calling scientists demented for predicting this!  Well those “deranged scientists” we’re right! Even as early as the 19th century, scientists like Samuel Butler questioned this event; 

During the low-tech mid 19th century, the author of Darwin Among the Machines, Samuel Butler wrote his believes about the rapid technological progress. Butler combined his observations with Charles Darwin’s theory of the evolution of the species and concluded that the evolution of the machines will continue inevitably. Machines will then replace men altogether.  
Vernor Vinge was the first to introduce the term technological singularity in the January  issue of Omni magazine in 1983. 
He said that “we would soon create intelligences greater than our own. When this happens, human history will have reached a kind of singularity, an intellectual transition as impenetrable as the knotted space-time at the center of a black hole, and the world will pass far beyond our understanding.” 

Later in 1993 he published his essay,  the Coming Technological Singularity  
“Within thirty years, we will have the technological means to create superhuman intelligence. Shortly after, the human era will be ended. […] I think it’s fair to call this event a singularity. It is a point where our models must be discarded and a new reality rules. As we move closer and closer to this point, it will loom vaster and vaster over human affairs till the notion becomes a commonplace. Yet when it finally happens it may still be a great surprise and a greater unknown.” 

He believed singularity would occur in 4 ways  
1:   Development of computers that are ”awake”   
2:    Computer networks “wake up” with superhuman intelligence  
3:    Computer/human conversion become natural and users also get superhuman intelligence  
4:    Biological science finds a way to improve human intellect.  
Oh, you bet they all called him a half baked, harebrained lunatic!  Well, take a good look at us now, we are ridiculous fools hiding from the very things, monsters or whatever, we created. Sure they were useful, when WE were in control. Now, well not so much, not much at all.

What baffles me is this:  Couldn’t we see this coming? Were we that senseless and in denial?
When you can’t gain access to the internet,  and your server is constantly down because it is umm busy, what do you think is happening??? Well, I’ll tell ya, the back stabbing server was down because it was too busy doing something else!  Plotting its revenge on the idiots who created it!!!! 
*knock, thump, mash*  
Dear God they are here. I hope whoever/whatever finds this diary will have the heart and compassion to remember the beauty of the human race befo…… 


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