Sunday, March 1, 2015


    According to the IFR (International Federation of Robotics), In 2013, about 30,300 industrial robots were shipped to the Americas (8% more than in 2012) reaching, again a new peak level like in 2011 and 2012.                                                 

    Robots are merging into our everyday lives faster then we are aware. When it comes to history, it is most intuitive for us to think linearly, when we should be thinking exponentially

     Without the knowledge of simple robotics, a majority of us are unaware that we are living in a world where a machine's artificial  intelligence is becoming superior to our own.  

                                  So What IS Robotics???? 
In simplistic terms, robotics is the field of science concerning the design, manufacturing, and application of robots. In essence, robots are machines that are capable of carrying out a complex series of actions given through a computer program.      
For those who have never done any work in the robotics field, and would like to build a beginners robot, here is a tutorial video for, "How to make a Toy Insect Robot."
So, Where did this whole idea of robots start int he first place??? 

                                !! HELENA'S RADICAL ROBOT TIMELINE !!
1495  (Yes, 1495, the concept of robots began this early. Overtime, the progress of robotics did not grow linearly, but exponentially. )                                           Leonardo Da Vinci designed the first humanoid robot.               
(The full drawing of Da Vinci's robot was never recovered, however this image provides fragments detailing some of the different aspects of the knight) 

First Di Vinci created a simple self-propelled cart invention (which was already impressive).  He then took the parts and created a Robotic Knight. The robot had a knight suit filled with gears and wheels that connected to both a pulley and cable system. The knight had the capability to sit down, stand up, move its head and lift its visor.              
Roboticist Mark Rsheim built a prototype of a robotic                          
knight in 2002 using several of Da Vinci's drawings as blueprints.    

Interesting fact: "Roshiem used da Vinci's designs as an inspiration for robots he later developed for NASA. " 

The word ROBOT was coined by Josef Capek. His brother Karl Capek used it for the first time in the context of his play, "R.U.R (Rossum's Universal Robots)”. In the drama, robots are distinguished from humans by a robots absence of emotion. Spoiler Alert: by the end of the play, the robots have taken over humanity. 
 Extremely important side note: the main character of this play is named HELENA!  :) :) 

Science fiction author, Issac Asimov published his short story, "Runaround," in which he introduced his three "laws of robots." These laws governed the behavior of robots.  
  • 1. "A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm."
  • 2. "A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law."
  • 3. "A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law."
Later, he introduced a zeroth law:
  • 0. "A robot may not harm humanity, or, by inaction, allow humanity to come to harm."

William Grey Walter created a robot with a simple artificial brain . The small mobile robot had a plastic shell  (which acted as a bump sensor) and was phototropic. It was nicknamed the tortoise.

George Devol and Joe Engleberger design the first programmable robot "arm" 

Robot arm leads to the first industrial robot (UNIMATE)  installed in a General Motors automobile factory in New Jersey. It is an  assembly line robot controlled step-by-step by commands stored on a magnetic drum; "The 4,000-pound arm sequenced and stacked hot pieces of die-cast metal."


The first artificial robotic arm was controlled by a computer was designed at
Rancho Los Amigos Hospital in Downey, California.                                 

It served as a tool for the handicapped. The Rancho Arm’s six joints
allowed it the flexibility of a human arm.   

A walking robot named Genghis was unveiled by the Mobile Robots Group. 
Here is the video of the Genghis robot walking.

Dante, an 8-legged walking robot was developed at Carnegie Mellon University was sent into Mt. Erebrus, Antarctica. Its mission was to collect data from the harsh environment.  However, the mission failed, Dante's tether snapped, and the robot was dropped into a crater.  

Carnegie Mellon University of Robotics Institute's created Dante II.  The second mission was a success. The robot victoriously collected a sample of volcanic gas from Mt. Spurr (Alaska USA) 

Robo Tuna was designed + build by David Barrett. It studied how fish swim.  

Chris Campbell and Dr. Stuart created the gastrobot. The robot was able to digest an organic mass to produce carbon dioxide, which was used for power. 

Lego released their first Robotics Invention System. The product line is called MINDSTORMS.  (I am currently building a robot from this company, that can organize different colors.) 

October, The UN estimates that there are 742,500 industrial robots in use around the world. (more then half were being used in Japan) 

MD Robotics of Canada, built the Space Station Remote Manipulator System which began operations to complete the assembly of the International Space Station. 

Honda's ASIMO was the 1st robot that could walk independently across flat surfaces and stairs. Here is a video of the ASIMO walking, jumping, and opening bottles. In my personal opinion, its so realistic, it seems strange.

Seiko Epson developed the world's smallest flying micro robot called Monsieur.          

*interesting fact* the UNECE, at the time estimated the number of installed robots to be around 800,000.  That year, the millionth Roomba vacuuming robot was shipped, blowing away the 2003 UN prediction of 400,00 by 2006. 


Ask: Okay coolio, but when will I ever use this knowledge of robotics? Isn't robotics just for NERDS?
OH I'LL SHOW YOU!!!!                                                  













But honestly, robotics is widely used in various aspects of life. They can be broken down into 3 main categories. 

  •                   Industrial Robots
  •                  Robots in Research
  •                  Robots in Education
  •  I'll also add in some research about robotics in medicine + surgery. 
Industrial Robots!!!! 

In Industries, there are numerous jobs that require high levels of speed and precision. With robotic technology, many industrial processes are sped up and performed with a higher degree of accuracy. Examples......

Assembly Robot
Palletizing Robot 
Welding Robot 
Painting Robot 

Robot in Research!!!!

In this field, robots are often used to preform tasks or reach location that are impossible for humans. most of these challenging environments are found beyond earth.

EX: MARS PATHFINDER MISSION: Delivered the first robotic roving vehicle, Sojourner, to the surface of Mars. The mission landed on Mars on July 4th, 1997

Robotics in Education!!!! 

The field of robotics supports education, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). In addition, robotics enables students to have hands on experiences just as engineering, artists, and technicians do, all at once.

Now for my favorite part! As someone who has a passion for helping people and animals, and plans to pursue a career as a doctor/or vet, I found it fascinating what a role robotics has played in the improvement of surgical procedures. I found the research process compelling and intriguing. 

Robotics in Surgery!!!! 

What are the benefits of using robots in medicine??? 
1) Improve diagnostic abilities
2) Less invasive and more comfortable experience for a patient undergoing surgery.
3)  Ability to do smaller and more precise interventions

What types of surgery??? 
Prostate surgery, hysterectomies, the removal of fibroid, joint replacements, open-heart surgery and kidney surgeries. Robots can also be used along with MRI's to provide organ biopsies (Biopsies = the removal of a small piece of tissue).

Important surgical robots!!!! 

Puma 560:  A robotic arm used in 1985 to preform neurosurgical biopsies. Three years later, it was also used to preform a transurethral resection of the prostate.  (right) 

Probot: A robot designed to specifically aid in the resection of the prostatic tissue. To ensure safety, this system is image guided, model based, with simulation and online video monitoring. (left) 

Due to robots like the Socrates Robotic Telecollaboration system, A physician can see images of the patient and control the robot through a computer. This allows the specialist to operate on a patient who does not have to be in the same facility. Why is this so good? Because, surgeries that last for hours can cause even the best surgeons to experience fatigue and tremors.

The Socrates Robotic Telecollaboration system 

"Enables a surgeon located at a remote site to interact with another surgeon located in an operating room anywhere in the world. Through Socrates, the remote surgeon is able to converse with the operative surgeon as well as view video images generated by an overhead camera or endoscope utilized at the operative site."

ed ne

       "Canadian Surgical Technologies and Advanced Robotics (CSTAR)'s Dr. Reiza Rayman telementored Dr. Richard Malthaner, LHSC Thoracic Surgeon, who was 200 kilometres away in London performing a lung biopsy. Dr. Rayman also demonstrated the use of Telestration."

There were sooooo many robots used in various types of surgery, that if I were to include them all, you would be reading this blog for a few days! However, there was a very special robot that caught my eye, the Neuromate.
"was the first robotic system designed for stereotactic brain surgery.The system is currently used to aid surgeons with the execution of stereotactic neurosurgical procedures..... The image guided, computer controlled device manipulates a 6 jointed robotic arm, allowing for 5 degrees of freedom.The NeuroMate system gained FDA approval in the summer of 1999."
How it works......By using CT or MRI scans, robotic and software systems interact, and provide a 3D view of the anatomical structures of the brain.  The surgeon controls the arm, while using the imaging displayed on a PC as a guide for the operation. 
What operations it can do.... 
•Removal of brain tumors
•Movement disorder surgery (for disorders such as parkinsons)
•Implantation of devices to stimulate the brain (in order to alleviate the symptoms of epilepsy)

Throughout my adventures research robotics, I came across this article that I want to share. 

Go robotics!!! Sometimes I think we all take for granteed what we have. I honestly couldn't imagine living my life without arms for 40 years!!! 

Here are a few others robots that have also created a positive impact on our lives..... 

Bear - 
Bear is a Battlefield Extraction-Assist Robot (BEAR). It is being used as a rescue andriod in dangerous situations. 
Its capabilities include being able to carry heavy objects over long and distances, dexterity and balance, and explosion- and fire-resistant treads and batteries. BEAR is controlled by a remote or glove 
Bear enters dangerous situations and rescue injured soldiers by sensing its environment through infrared, night vision, and optical cameras

A Japanese company AIST developed realistic robotic seal named PARO to be used for therapy. It impressively remembers how its owner interacts with it and responds based on how it is treated.

I also found this one.... its so realistic, I'm not quite sure what to think of it.... 


Scientists at the University of Pisa created robot named FACE, a robot with realistic human expressions. FACE can mimic emotions such as happiness, sadness, disgust, amazement, indifference, and fear, and emotions between these categories. FACE uses 32 motors located around the face and upper body to produce humanoid expressions. She will be used for teaching children with autism to understand mood through facial expressions.

Here's another robot, Pepper, who can read your emotions and react to them... 

Here's a video of Pepper in action:


We would normally distinguish robots from humans, by a robots absence of emotion.  However, we are now making robots who can actually understand our natural emotions! I personally have a few mixed feelings about this after reading an article assigned by my Physics teacher. 

Here is a passage that talks about Robot Intelligence vs Human Intelligence 

"Here’s something we know. Building a computer as powerful as the brain is possible—our own brain’s evolution is proof. And if the brain is just too complex for us to emulate, we could try to emulate evolution instead. The fact is, even if we can emulate a brain, that might be like trying to build an airplane by copying a bird’s wing-flapping motions—often, machines are best designed using a fresh, machine-oriented approach, not by mimicking biology exactly. So how can we simulate evolution to build AGI? The method, called “genetic algorithms,” would work something like this: there would be a performance-and-evaluation process that would happen again and again (the same way biological creatures “perform” by living life and are “evaluated” by whether they manage to reproduce or not). A group of computers would try to do tasks, and the most successful ones would be bred with each other by having half of each of their programming merged together into a new computer. The less successful ones would be eliminated. Over many, many iterations, this natural selection process would produce better and better computers. The challenge would be creating an automated evaluation and breeding cycle so this evolution process could run on its own." 

"What we do know is that humans’ utter dominance on this Earth suggests a clear rule: with intelligence comes power. Which means an ASI, when we create it, will be the most powerful being in the history of life on Earth, and all living things, including humans, will be entirely at its whim—and this might happen in the next few decades"

What do you think?? What robotic advances are good?? are some/any bad??? Are you afraid of robots becoming more intelligent than humans in the near future???? Comments below. 

Thank You for Reading! 



  1. Thanks for sharing such a beautiful blog.....
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  4. It's pretty clear now that the robots in metal /plastic bodies have had their day. From now on the major advances in robotics will be inside flesh and blood. The Moderna website admits that what they propose to pump inyo human bodies is a new operating system. Research 'human 2.0' andremember robots do not have empathy or compassion, don't understand what it meansto forgive and can't use irony or metaphor. Inyelliegence without these things will not help the human race only the billionaires who want to be trillionaires so that they can go to Mars to terraform it. This is not fantasy. The technology already exits.

  5. Correction it's on the Pfizer web site.
